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Draw A Cruise Ship In 8 Easy Steps

Draw a Cruise Ship in 8 Easy Steps



Pencil and eraser


Ink pen or marker and ruler


Colored pencils


White gel pen


Reference image

Step 1: Choose Reference Image


The first step in drawing a realistic cruise ship is to choose the right reference image. You want to find a high-quality image that shows the cruise ship from the angle you want to draw it. You should also make sure that the image is large enough to see the details of the ship.


Once you have chosen a reference image, print it out and place it in front of you. You can also use a digital image, but make sure that it is displayed on a large enough screen so that you can see the details.

Step 2: Outline the Ship


The next step is to outline the ship. Use a light pencil to sketch the basic shape of the ship. Start with the hull and then add the superstructure. Once you have the basic shape, you can start adding details such as the windows, doors, and decks.


Be sure to use a light touch when sketching the outline, as you can erase it later if necessary.

Step 3: Add Texture and Details


Once you have the outline, you can start adding texture and details to the cruise ship. Use shading and bold colors to create a sense of depth and dimension. You can also add details such as the lifeboats, swimming pools, and other amenities.


When adding texture and details, be sure to use thin, sharp strokes. This will help to create a more realistic look.

Step 4: Ink the Outline


Once you are satisfied with the texture and details, you can ink the outline. Use an ink pen or marker and a ruler to create clean, crisp lines.


Be sure to press down hard when inking the outline, as this will help to prevent the ink from bleeding. You can also use a white gel pen to add highlights to the outline.

Step 5: Color the Ship


Once the outline is inked, you can start coloring the ship. Use colored pencils to add color to the hull, superstructure, and other details.


When coloring the ship, be sure to use light, even strokes. This will help to create a smooth, finished look.

Step 6: Add Highlights and Shadows


Once the ship is colored, you can add highlights and shadows to create a sense of depth and dimension. Use a white gel pen to add highlights to the windows, decks, and other areas that would reflect light.


You can also use a black pen or marker to add shadows to the underside of the ship, the recesses of the windows, and other areas that would be in shadow.

Step 7: Finish the Drawing


Once you are satisfied with the highlights and shadows, you can finish the drawing by adding any final details. This could include adding people, boats, or other objects to the scene.


You can also add a background to the drawing, such as the ocean or the sky. Once you are finished, you can sign and date your drawing.

Step 8: Enjoy


Now that you have finished drawing your cruise ship, sit back and enjoy your work of art!
