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A Comprehensive Overview Of Offensive Equipment

Elden Ring: A Guide to the Best Weapons

A Comprehensive Overview of Offensive Equipment

In the vast and unforgiving world of Elden Ring, weapons are the key to survival and victory. From the humble Short Sword to the legendary Bolt of Gransax, the game offers a vast array of offensive tools to suit every playstyle. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of Elden Ring's weapon system, exploring each category and highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of its most notable members.

Scaling: A Hidden Variable

One subtle but crucial aspect of weapons in Elden Ring is scaling. Each weapon has a scaling attribute, which determines how well it benefits from specific stats. For instance, a weapon with high Strength scaling will deal more damage if the player has high Strength. This adds an extra layer of depth to character builds, as players must carefully consider which weapons to invest in based on their stats.
